Market Check

6 homes have sold within mile of 23 Hidden Falls Drive in the past 6 months.

The Average: 4.17 bedrooms, 2.67 bathrooms, $488,400

105 Windham Drive, Anderson, SC 29621 4 / 2 $435,000 2025-01-31
121 Siena Drive, Anderson, SC 29621 4 / 3 $540,000 2025-01-23
1036 Tuscany Drive, Anderson, SC 29621 4 / 3 $484,000 2025-01-14
108 Viaroma Drive, Anderson, SC 29621 3 / 2 $547,500 2024-10-24
2955 Concord Road, Anderson, SC 29621 6 / 4 $445,900 2024-09-20
116 Lyndhurst Drive, Anderson, SC 29621 4 / 2 $478,000 2024-08-23